Saturday, 25 April 2009

The Pyramid

This is the first 3-D model made by Sai Sai.
We have been waiting for it for a long time ...

See, it can be opened !
And even got something inside !

From mom's eyes, it's another masterpiece :)

Sai Sai's Helicopter

Finally, Sai Sai made the last lego model - Helicopter !

It's the most difficult one.
This time, Sai Sai takes longer time to get it done.
But, he still managed to make it by himself.
And, this is the one that he likes most :)

Well done, boy !

When I am twelve ...

Sai Sai loves cars.
Not only cars, but also buses, trucks, trains, and especially those special types.

"Seven years later, I will be twelve." Sai Sai said.
"Yes, so ?" Mama did not get what he wanted to tell me ...
"Then, I can sit next to Baba in Baba's car !" He replied excitedly.
"Oh yes, you want to sit in the front ?" Mama asked.
"Of course !" He shouted.

Maybe seven years later, MudMa could only sit at the back with JosB.
And ten years later, JosB will fight with Sai Sai to get the front seat .....

But, I guess Sai Sai's utimate goal is to sit at the driver's seat.
See how happy he is :)

Friday, 24 April 2009


JosB loves cleansing.
He likes using tissue or cloth to clean this and that.
That could be toys, floor, wall, chair, sofa, table, door ...
and his own face, mouth, eyes, hands, foot or body ...
Ha..ha.. maybe he's influenzed by Ruby jeje :P

Whenever he sees some dirt on the floor ...
"Mama, tissue please ..."
And then, he'll wipe it and throw the tissue into the rubbish bin.

See, he cleaned this Mickey Mouse Lego one by one ....

Actually, it's good.
However, he is still young ....
He will use the same tissue to wipe his mouth or eyes after cleansing the floor !!
So, all of us have to be very cautious whenever he is doing his cleansing :P




父:你係咪重係最鍾意No. 4呀?(話說N年前他沈迷Thomas and Friends中的Gordon是編號"4"的火車頭,自此便喜歡上這數目字,原因係Gordon是眾火車頭中最的.....)


父:點解呀? (一面迷惘)




Ruby jeje returned last Sun night, everything is back to normal now.
It marks the end of our 17-days journey.
But in fact, we didn't feel so long. It just likes a few days !

Of course, Ruby jeje missed JosB most ...
On Monday morning, JosB woke up and met Ruby jeje again.
Jeje was so excited and happy.
However, as expected, JosB was a bit scared and uneasy.
He didn't want to go to jeje and just keep hugging MudMa.
Oh, how sad jeje was ...
It only took a few hours, there's no more gap between them.
JosB remembered jeje :)

At night, MudBa pretended to make JosB sleep.
He refused, and went to find jeje !
Poor MudBa, who had spent a lot of time and love in the past 17 days, was a bit sad :(

JosB, it's only the first day, and you don't want dear baba anymore ?

Thursday, 23 April 2009


時間: 某天晚上
地點: 泥家
主持: 在恩
觀眾: 泥家眾人
道具: 兒童玩具餐具
材料: 雞、湯、飯 (注意:全是想像)

1. 將雞放入湯碗,略煮。
2. 加入飯,攪勻。
3. 加入湯,攪勻。
4. 完成 !



Wednesday, 22 April 2009











我再細心一點聽 ……

心想 「它還可以升多少天」呢,
突然間,有個發光的「 3」字浮在「森力鋼鐵」之上。

原來,這份生日禮物是 ……真的。


我看見爸爸的頭頂出現了一個發光的數字……「35 」。





直至爸爸患了重病 ……

在醫院大門外,我看見媽媽,抹乾眼淚後,她的頭上竟然出現「 1 」字……



才會懂得珍惜可以親眼看見他 / 她的「這一次」。


Saturday, 18 April 2009

Lego Upgrade

Sai Sai started playing lego before two.
It is such a creative and educational toy.
He loved making Nork's Ark before four.
Later, of course his favourite trains, cars, trucks ...
We are glad that he is still playing it now.

This year, MudBaMa 'sell' a box of 3-in-1 lego for his birthday present.
Though we're a bit aggressive (it's for bigger kids, not for 5), he took the challenge !

This is the first time he says goodbye to the big baby lego.
It's so amazing !
Sai Sai was willing to spend 2 hours to build this boat, with minimal help from MudBa !
From sorting, to reading instruction, to assembling ...
What a patience boy !

We're so proud of you !
And on the next day, he made the aeroplane all by himself ! Another 2 hours ....

Big boy, we're waiting for the next one - helicopter.
Keep up the good work !

Friday, 17 April 2009


It was almost a week after the second injection.
In general, I feel much better this time.
Though I'm still tired (but can sit down and get up by myself) and vomit (much more this time), I feel less uncomfort and can eat a bit more :P

Thanks God, hope that all the side effects could be gone in the coming few days.
It's only one-forth of the journey, I really need extra power and courage from HIM to get it through.
No worry, I have great confidence and peace :)
Keep praying ...

Thursday, 16 April 2009

又一次奇妙之旅 @ Birthday

On the big day for Sai Sai, he was not in the mood ...
As usual, he was not get used to be the center of attraction ...
He refused to take photos with any character at first :(

But for JosB, he had big improvement this time !
He was not scared of them anymore :)

Special thanks to MudBa's patience and effort to cheer the birthday boy up.
Finally, Sai Sai felt better and was willing to take photos and be the 'real' birthday boy !

It's really not easy to be parents nowadays ...
Thanks God that we've a lovely family !

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

又一次奇妙之旅 @ Hotel

Woh, it's so warm to see such thoughful gifts when we entered the room !
As expected, Sai Sai was not that surprised or appreciated ...

For the boys, nothing is more fun than playing in the room ... just for nothing :P
Don't know why, they're so happy even sleeping on the bed ...
or staying outside the rooms ...

We had a 3D/2N trip this time, but both Timmy and Sai Sai wanted to stay for a longer while ...

They loved the maze very much, can spend half an hour there !

For the adults, we loved this big lawn very much !
It's just tooo green and comfortable ....
and it's so safe to let the boys running and playing :)

A good shot ! Thank you, 姨丈 !

See, JosB couldn't help to take some photos as well !

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

又一次奇妙之旅 @ Park

Although it's almost the 10th time for Sai Sai to go to Disneyland, he didn't get tired of it.
See, all boys are ready !

It was a trip specially arranged for Sai Sai's 5th birthday.
There should not be any surprise to him, just want to have fun and hopefully give him a good memory :)

His favourite foods !

His favourite game !

Silly JosB, he looked so frustrated when he's watching parade ...

But there's no doubt that he loves the 3-D glasses (not the show) very much :P

Thank you, Timmy !
You're always a good brother to take care of JosB.
I hope Sai Sai could do the same very soon ...

Monday, 13 April 2009


MudBa is a good team player with the monkey and pig, which MudMa is not as good as him.
He enjoys playing with them and could make them very happy.
In fact, he is more gentle and kind than MudMa.
So, smart Sai Sai and JosB knows where to go if they need help :P

In terms of taking care of the monsters, MudBa leaves it to MudMa and Ruby jeje since Sai Sai was born.
However, after one month's intensive training and practice, MudBa becomes a super-dad !
Now, nothing is too difficult for him !

From feeding to bathing, and to bring them out alone ...
A lot of first time experiences for him :)
And the most amazing thing is that, he could make JosB sleep !!
That's incredible !
Guess what, JosB will call "Baba" at midnight if he wakes up instead of "Mama" or "Jeje" .... woh !

It's all because of his great love to us, to make all these happened !
I know you're very tired and exhausted, and even losing weight ...
Thank you, Baba !

GoodBye, car !

This is Sai Sai's one-year-old birthday present from Auntie Elaine & Uncle Derek.
It brings a lot of fun for him in the past four years.

He learned great driving skills, and transferred the skills to JosB.
Since then, our MudHome became a driving/racing track most of the time ...
A few months ago, MudMa gave Sai Sai the last warning.
No more baby car for a five-years-0ld boy !
We should share it to those kids without toy or car.
So, he knows when to say goodbye to his lovely car :P

This should be the last picture for the two racing cars in MudHome ..he..he..

But it is not the end of the story ...
Don't forget that we still have JosB the great driver !
And hope that Sai Sai could behave and won't take JosB's McQueen.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Belated Happy Easter !

Happy Easter !
A basket of Easter eggs from JosB :)
And a picture from Sai Sai :)

This is a big day for all of us to remember, an endless love, grace and salvation from our lovely Father !

馬 太 福 音
20:17 耶 穌 上 耶 路 撒 冷 去 的 時 候 、 在 路 上 把 十 二 個 門 徒 帶 到 一 邊 、 對 他 們 說 、
20:18 看 哪 、 我 們 上 耶 路 撒 冷 去 、 人 子 要 被 交 給 祭 司 長 和 文 士 . 他 們 要 定 他 死 罪 .
20:19 又 交 給 外 邦 人 、 將 他 戲 弄 、 鞭 打 、 釘 在 十 字 架 上 . 第 三 日 他 要 復 活 。

馬 太 福 音
28:2 忽 然 地 大 震 動 . 因 為 有 主 的 使 者 、 從 天 上 下 來 、 把 石 頭 滾 開 、 坐 在 上 面 。
28:3 他 的 像 貌 如 同 閃 電 、 衣 服 潔 白 如 雪 。
28:4 看 守 的 人 、 就 因 他 嚇 得 渾 身 亂 戰 、 甚 至 和 死 人 一 樣 。
28:5 天 使 對 婦 女 說 、 不 要 害 怕 、 我 知 道 你 們 是 尋 找 那 釘 十 字 架 的 耶 穌 。
28:6 他 不 在 這 裡 、 照 他 所 說 的 、 已 經 復 活 了 . 你 們 來 看 安 放 主 的 地 方 。
28:7 快 去 告 訴 他 的 門 徒 說 、 他 從 死 裡 復 活 了 . 並 且 在 你 們 以 先 往 加 利 利 去 、 在 那 裡 你 們 要 見 他 . 看 哪 . 我 已 經 告 訴 你 們 了 。
28:8 婦 女 們 就 急 忙 離 開 墳 墓 、 又 害 怕 、 又 大 大 的 歡 喜 、 跑 去 要 報 給 他 的 門 徒 。
28:9 忽 然 耶 穌 遇 見 他 們 、 說 、 願 你 們 平 安 。 他 們 就 上 前 抱 住 他 的 腳 拜 他 。

Friday, 10 April 2009


Finally, we're here on the first day of the Easter Holiday !
This is a place that Sai Sai keeps on requesting to go ...
after his Kentville school field trip ...
yes, don't know why he wants to go again in such a short period of time ?!

Actually (and obviously), he is not interested in any HK culture or heritage.
This is the only place he wants to go ... Children's Discovery Gallery !
There are a lot of computer games, displays, models and experiments specially designed for kids.
But don't know why there's a toys corner ?
JosB was scared of the robot and not willing to go further ... ha..ha..
Sai Sai joined a group session to make an aeroplane, see !
It's 60% of MudMa's effort, with 40% of Sai Sai's help :P

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Ocean Park Trip

Thank you C&M, and their lovely daughter - Sai Sai's best friend, Jessie !
They're so kind to help MudMa to take care of Sai Sai for one day before the Easter Holiday.
So that MudMa can enjoy some quiet time and have some rest :)
And this is the first time Sai Sai go out by himself with friends without MudBaMa or any relatives ! A big milestone, boy.

He was very excited the day before, co's they're going to the Ocean Park !
It's one of his favourite places to go, as he loves taking cable car very much :)
He enjoyed the trip very much.
Thank you, C&M again !
And thank you for the nice magnetic, it's a surprise and I'm sure it'll be a good memory for both of them :)

Tuesday, 7 April 2009




1. 絕不是省油燈,每當泥哥有所異動(未必係”蝦”佢);他第一時間就會扮可憐,喊叫:「姐姐(Ruby)/爸爸/媽媽(睇下誰在案發現場),”多多”……(手指仔當然是指住泥哥)

2. 話說泥爸最近常常哄阿泥入睡,他並不喜歡一開始便進入全黑的環境,常常要留下虛掩著門的洗手間微弱光線,待預備好心情才准關掉。 起初泥爸不知道,一進房便關掉所有燈光。這小子竟然將睡床的所有物品弄亂,跟著說:「Mess!」,要泥爸開燈幫他重新整理。


Friday, 3 April 2009

第一炮 !

Apr is Sai Sai's birthday month.
He received invitation from Kentville school last week.
Party time today !

As usual, MudBa prepared a birthday cake for him to share with his classmates.
MudMa sent him to school today.

Let's go to pick up the cake !
Sai Sai was so excited and he recognized his cake :)
Guess which one we have chosen for him ?

It's Black Forest !
Happy Birthday to Sai Sai !!
Big Boy, more surprises are coming ....

Bye-bye Ruby ... for a while

Ruby jeje left this morning ... time for her to go home again.
MudBaMa's 17 days journey get started !

This year, of course, is a challenge (and our vacation is gone after waiting for 3 years ...).
But thanks God, I have less uncomfort now and should be okay in the coming two weeks.

Everything should be fine before the second injection on 17 Apr (but Ruby jeje will come back on 19 Apr night).
Hope that I could feel better in the last two days before Ruby jeje comes back.

Keep praying :)



泥氏的生活已大致回歸平靜;當然,生活上一切以泥媽的健康為先,全力陪她打這場仗。 而一向多愁善感,先天下之憂而憂的泥爸,心情也慢慢平復下來。不瞞大家,泥爸曾經出現過一陣子的抑鬱(基本上中了大部份症狀),幸好及時有黃牧師的關顧才沒有沈淪下去。




「你擔心些甚麼? 你還未知道誰是掌權的嗎?」


所以我告訴你們,不要為生命憂慮吃什麼,喝什麼;為身體憂慮穿什麼。生命不勝於飲食嗎﹖身體不勝於衣裳嗎﹖ 你們看那天上的飛鳥,也不種,也不收,也不積蓄在倉裡,你們的天父尚且養活他。你們不比飛鳥貴重得多嗎﹖你們哪一個能用思慮使壽數多加一刻呢﹖何必為衣裳憂慮呢﹖你想野地裡的百合花怎麼長起來;他也不勞苦,也不紡線。然而我告訴你們,就是所羅門極榮華的時候,他所穿戴的,還不如這花一朵呢!你們這小信的人哪!野地裡的草今天還在,明天就丟在爐裡,神還給他這樣的妝飾,何況你們呢!

所以,不要憂慮說:吃什麼﹖喝什麼﹖穿什麼﹖這都是外邦人所求的,你們需用的這一切東西,你們的天父是知道的。你們要先求他的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。 所以,不要為明天憂慮,因為明天自有明天的憂慮;一天的難處一天當就夠了。



Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Phase 2 started !

Phase 1 is operation, and phase 2 is treatment.

Thanks God, phase 1 was a very successful one !
Not much pain and have a speedy recovery.
In the past month, I didn't cry much for myself, really ... it's less than 15 min.
I can't imagine I could be so strong (though all my friends think that I'm tough).
I can't describe, but just that I'm so peaceful and have no worry - I know HE is with me.
But in fact, I cried quite a lot ...
it's all because of thanksgiving, being touched, love from the family, brothers & sisters and friends !

Phase 2 was started last Thur.
Nothing special on that day except the hand for injection was suffering from numb.
(And it takes a week to feel normal, today ...)
From Fri night to Sat were the worst - no appetize, vomit (even after drinking water), extremely tired (could not sit properly by myself, can't speak at normal voice and not even want to open the eyes), feel cold and weak, uncomfort ....
I know all are expected (no surprise), it's only a matter of how long it will take.
But, I know it'll be over !

Thanks God, I was getting better since Sun (the day for HIM !).
Though appetize was still poor, I could gradually eat some food and drink a bit more water without vomiting.
Since then, there was improvement day by day !
I have more energy - can talk, sit down properly and walk around at home.
I don't feel so tired - no need to take afternoon nap, and can write articles in the blog :P
And today, I could finish my lunch !! (though it's only half of my 'normal' portion)

I know there's still a long battle ahead, but I'm not afraid.
I would like to share the following with you all.
Sincerely hope that you could meet HIM one day !

詩 篇
121:1 我 要 向 山 舉 目 。 我 的 幫 助 從 何 而 來 。
121:2 我 的 幫 助 從 造 天 地 的 耶 和 華 而 來 。
121:3 他 必 不 叫 你 的 腳 搖 動 . 保 護 你 的 必 不 打 盹 。
121:4 保 護 以 色 列 的 、 也 不 打 盹 、 也 不 睡 覺 。
121:5 保 護 你 的 是 耶 和 華 . 耶 和 華 在 你 右 邊 蔭 庇 你 。
121:6 白 日 太 陽 必 不 傷 你 . 夜 間 月 亮 必 不 害 你 。
121:7 耶 和 華 要 保 護 你 、 免 受 一 切 的 災 害 . 他 要 保 護 你 的 性 命 。
121:8 你 出 你 入 、 耶 和 華 要 保 護 你 、 從 今 時 直 到 永 遠 。

【若你能看見】詩集:團契遊樂園 5 - 應許





Why some animals have tail but not for the other ?

Recently, Sai Sai learned about the life cycle of frog at Kentville school.
This morning, he kept jumping in the living room.

"What are you doing ?" Mama asked.
"I'm a bunny !" Sai Sai replied.
"oh... but you look more like a frog ..." Mama challenged him.
"really ? ..." Sai Sai was a bit disappointed.

Then, he taught me the life cycle of frog ... from egg to tadpole to baby frog ...

"Tadpole has a tail, but when it becomes a frog, there's no tail" Sai Sai said.
"Why ?" Mama asked.

"If there's a tail, the frog will step on it when it jumps."
"oh... how about dog ?"
"It's okay, as the tail of a dog is very short."
"hm.. how about giraffe ?"
"No problem, as giraffe is very tall."
"and elephant ?"
"The same, elephant is very tall and the tail is not that long."
"then, how about lion ? lion is not that tall but has long tail .."
"but lion is very careful, it won't step on its tail !"
