It was so amazing when Isaiah and Joshua were inside my tummy.
I can’t imagine a life is growing inside and with me.
Until now, I can’t forget that feeling … it’s so warm and real.
Some people may find pregnancy a difficult time but I enjoyed the precious moment very much.
Thanks God that I don’t have much sickness, so that I could enjoy the full baby ownership for 9 months ! And two times, he..he..
To me, it’s really a big gift as a mom :P
Isn’t it incredible to have each baby to have the same structure but different appearance ?
No matter they are with the same parents or not …
No matter what color their skin is …
Isn’t it amazing to have such complicated structure in a tiny body ?
Not to mention our DNA …
Just think about our brain, heart and other internal organs …
From bones and muscles, to blood vessels and lymph system ...
Isn’t it interesting for all of us to have different characters ?
Some are active and outgoing .. some are gentle and quiet …
Some are easy-going, but some are firm and stubborn …
All these make us different and unique !
創世記 1:27 神就照著自己的形像造人,乃是照著他的形像造男造女。
創世記 2:7 耶和華 神用地上的塵土造人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了有靈的活人
Baby is very fragile indeed.
Just a small ‘error’ may make something wrong.
It seems to be normal but who can guarantee a baby with a pair of eyes and ears, a nose and a mouth, two hands and foots with ten fingers and toes ?
The heart beats should go on but it may just stop for no reason.
No matter how cautious a mom to be, sometimes it just can't explain.
Having a healthy baby, it was just nothing but a great blessing. Really !
Does all those healthy food and vitamins help ?
What about keeping yourself healthy and taking more rest ?
Or, a famous doctor with a good hospital ?
I’m afraid not …
詩篇 22:10 我自出母胎就被交在你手裡;從我母親生我,你就是我的神。
馬太福音 10:30 就是你們的頭髮也都被數過了。
詩篇 121:8 你出你入,耶和華要保護你,從今時直到永遠。
I’m glad to have a chance to experience part of the creation from God.
It’s full of joy and excitement, and more importantly, to assure the love, power and protection from Him.
May God Bless you !
I was very silly to want my kids to be the same (in terms of their lookings and their characters), in fact, even my little Coleman is now 3 months old, I can see they are very different....but of course, I love them very much. It is very true, the most importance is that they are healthy....Wish all kids around are healthy....
Yes, God is amazing! Each of them are so so different. Sometimes I silly enough to think about my second child, will he looks like Mark? or more like me? will he has his character? a baby face? ....really look forward to it.
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