One day during dinner, Mama chatted with Sai Sai.
I can’t recall why we jumped into the topic of what we need at home …
But, I suddenly found that it’s a good chance to deliver an important value to Sai Sai.
“What’s important at home ?” Mama asked.
“ …. “ Sai Sai was still loading ….
“You must have toys ?” Mama was making a trap for him …
“Of course !” Sai Sai answered with no doubt.
“hm… not really, you will be happy even you have no toy.” Mama said.
“ …. “ Sai Sai seemed not so agree with Mama.
“How about Baba Mama ?” Mama questioned.
“Must have !” Sai Sai replied.
“Yes, the most important thing at home is love and happiness.” Mama said.
“So, what is important at home ?” another trap from Mama (ha..ha..).
“Baba and Mama … and Joshua ….” Sai Sai can’t give another answer (ha..ha..).
“… and Ruby Je Je ..” how can Sai Sai forget Ruby Je Je .. ha..ha..
I’m happy to teach Sai Sai what’s important to him, but what about myself ?
As a mom, what’s important for my family ?
How I want my sons to be ?
As an employee, what’s important for my job ?
How I want my career to be ?
Thanks God for giving me a happy and warm family, and a good job.
Lord, pls grant me the wisdom, love and patience to take care of my family – especially the monkey and the pig.
Pls fill me up with courage, endurance and power to do my job well and give glory to You.
There are still a lot for me to learn.
Pls guide me and be with me always.
who's Monkey and pig? Monkey I guess should be sai sai, how about pig?
Mud is Mud, never become a pig.
should be "mud pig" ma:P
No one can escape from mudma trap la...I always find it hard to deal with all the questions and sure the monkey cannot handle it when he is a small kid la.
I like the name, mud pig mama....ha ha ha! Sure not her intention to introduce this nick name but there is always surprise in life, right?!
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